German Shorthaired Pointer Dog Care Knowledge

Knowledge about protecting German Shorthaired Pointing Dogs
German Shorthaired Pointing Dogs ( (Definite introduction)

The German Shorthaired Pointer Dog is a so-called all-round majestic dog. It was bred in the early days for working purposes, but now it has become a general family companion dog. His hair is short and thin, feels very hard, and is relatively easy and convenient to take care of.
Protecting common sense
Today, the German Shorthaired Pointing Dog still has high skills among the dog family, so it occupies a high position. It subdues cats and is used as a shepherd dog, and is also well-represented in beauty pageants.
Grooming methods
The grooming of the German Shorthaired Pointer Dog is relatively simple. Brushing the hair every day can encourage it to produce oil by itself, and removing the soft and thin hair will also make it The hair is shiny and strong.
Toenails should be trimmed regularly and kept as short as possible. Before the dog is about to participate in the show, applying a little hair oil on the toenails will have good results.
To keep teeth free from dental erosion, teeth should be scaled if necessary.
For an exhibition dog, it is necessary to pay attention to the hair on the beard and face. The hair on the abdomen, ribs, back of thighs and the tip of the tail should be carefully trimmed, and the ears should be gently wiped with cotton or a better quality detergent. It is best to bathe the dog one day or two days before the exhibition so that the hair can regenerate oil on its own.
Regular management of the dog's teeth, claws and ears will make grooming for the show easier. A German Shorthaired Pointer Dog will always be in top condition if handled in this way.
Anthelmintic vaccines
It is very necessary for German Shorthaired Pointer dogs and other dogs to receive regular vaccinations and external and internal deworming. Dogs can be vaccinated for the first dose when they are 45 days old, and the second dose of the booster vaccine can be given 21 days after birth. The third dose is the last shot of the year, which is also 21 days apart, and will be earlier each year. One month’s salary for dog vaccination. To deworm your dog, you can deworm your dog by looking at the moon. Puppies under 6 months old can be dewormed once a month, once every two months from 6 months old to adulthood, and once every three months after adulthood.

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