Anatolian Shepherd Dog (Definite Introduction)
The ideal male dog for the Annatto Shepherd Dog should be 29 inches tall at the withers, weigh between 110 and 150 pounds, have even proportions and be well-structured. The ideal bitch should be approximately 27 inches tall at the withers, weigh between 80 and 120 pounds, be evenly proportioned, and be well built. Neither male nor female dogs should appear obese, and the body proportions of both sexes should be rectangular. This standard applies to dogs over 2 years old.
Morphological characteristics
AKC standards
Expression: Looks very smart and delicate.
Eyes: Of average size, set wider apart, almond-shaped, color ranging from dark brown to light amber. Blue eyes or double-eyed complexion are not generally disqualifying. The eye circles are black or brown, and the eyelids are not loose or droopy. Lack of pigment is a serious fault.
Ears: The position should be higher than the top of the head. The ears are V-shaped, with rounded tips, and are about 4 to 6 inches long. The length of the tip of the ear should hang just down to the outer corner of the eye. Ears should be floppy; prick ears are a disqualification.
Skull: Large, but well proportioned to body size. There is a slight crease in the midline, from the stop to the back of the head. Male dogs are wider than female dogs.
Mood: Compared with black, the tone of male dogs is richer. No matter male or female, there should be no vulgar head and tone.
Nose: The nose and lips must be black or brown. Seasonal fading is allowed. Lack of pigment is a serious fault. The upper lip fits snugly, but loosely to produce a "rectangular" tone surface quality.
Teeth: The teeth and gums are rich and strong. A scissors bite is ideal, but a pincer bite is also acceptable. Broken teeth are not treated as faults. An overbite of the upper jaw or an overbite of the lower jaw or a distorted bite are disqualifications.
Neck, topline, body
The neck is slightly curved, strong and muscular, and of average length. The neck has more surface than the body, which creates a protective Efficient fur collar. The larynx should not be droopy or too exaggerated. The topline should remain straight when walking. The back is strong, muscular and straight, with the withers well back and a slight downward arc to the loin. Body proportions are appropriate, not exaggeratedoccasion. Never fat or tender. Chest deep (to the elbows), well sprung and well defined from the waist. The tail is long, spreading to the hock. The base of the tail is set high, and when carried, the tail droops naturally and the tip of the tail is rolled up aggressively. When alerted, the tail is raised aggressively and connected to the "turn". Experts agree with walking, drooping or "turning". "Rotation" is more ideal, the tail does not have to be fully extended.
Shoulders should be muscular and well extended, with shoulder blades long, broad and well sloping. The elbows turn neither outward nor inward. The forelimbs are relatively long, with plenty of bone, straight front legs, and thick ankles. The feet are rich and close together, with the toes arched, giving the feet an oval shape. The toenails are short and thick, and the pads are rich and brittle. The dewclaws may have been removed.
Rich, with wide thighs and plenty of muscle. The stifle joints are well angled and the hocks are in good proportion to the hindquarters. Viewed from the opposite side, the legs are parallel to each other. The feet are rich and close together, with the toes arched, giving the feet an oval shape. There may be two dewclaws left, and the dewclaws may have been removed.
Coat ranges from short (about 1 inch long, not close) to thick and loose (about 4 inches long), and the hair on the neck is similar to the mane. Long and relatively thick. The deep undercoat is found on all parts of the body. There is feathering on the edges of the ears, legs, rump and tail.
All colors and patterns are acceptable.
When walking at a brisk pace, the gait appears strong, powerful and smooth. When viewed from the front or back, the legs are kept upright, neither bending inward nor outward, nor do the claws intersect or interfere with each other. As the speed increases, the claws will close toward the core line of the body. Viewed from the side, the forelegs should be firmly extended, with the withers and topline almost straight with only a slight rise and fall. The structure of the hind legs allows for a stable start and free hock extension.
Warning and intelligent, quiet and cautious. Genius is protective, courageous, and highly consistent. He is very sincere. Geniuses have a strong sense of territory maintenance. He will maintain a conservative attitude towards strangers. If the strangers are not in his territory, it will not be a big problem. This type often does not produce brilliant reactions. An excessive desire to arrange is also a shortcoming.
Blue eyes or discolored eyes, erect ears, overshot upper jaw bite or overshot bite and distorted bite.