Cat's eye coral species introduction

Introduction to species of cat
Cat's eye coral

 Name: Cat's Eye
English name: Knob coral
Name: Favia speciosa
Dispersed: Taiwan, Philippines, Red Sea Territory
Feeding requirements:Water temperature: 21-28, Specific gravity: 1.020-1.025, PH: 8.1-8.4
Light: 500-1000
Flow flow:Strong
Difficulty of feeding:Common
Brief description: strong>It looks similar to the ammonite coral. The group is often lumpy or tennis-shaped. The diameter of the coral polyp's skeleton is about 7 mm to 8 mm; it is about 4 mm to 5 mm concave inward. The coral polyp will stretch out at night, like a cluster of blooming chrysanthemums, and its color is green or light brown. They mostly grow under seabed platforms with strong currents and mainly filter feed on plankton.

