Can Teddy eat chocolate
Teddy can't eat chocolate. Chocolate is processed from cocoa beans and contains a variety of methylxanthine derivatives, including caffeine and theobromine.
These substances will bind to certain receptors on the surface of cells, thereby preventing the natural substances in the animal's body from binding to the receptors. Taking a small dose of methylxanthine substances will cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs, but humans will feel a sense of pleasure.
Chocolate contains a large amount of theobromine and a small amount of caffeine. If a dog eats too much chocolate, it will cause muscle spasms and even shock.
How much chocolate will Teddy die from
Dogs can also consume a small amount of chocolate. The exact amount they can consume depends on their size and the type of chocolate they eat. The lethal dose of theobromine to dogs is about 0.05 to 0.1 g/500 g of the dog’s body weight.
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