English Cocker Spaniel Characteristics

British Cocker Spaniel Shape Characteristics
British Cocker Spaniel Dog (definite introduction)

The English Cocker Spaniel is one of the smaller sports dog breeds. It has a well-developed body, a compact body, a clean head, a very refined body, and a very well-proportioned appearance. The height of the male dog is 40.6 ~ 43.0 cm, and the height of the female dog is 38.1 ~ 40.6 cm. Those who deviate from this standard do not meet the standard. The ideal body weight is 12.70 ~ 15.42 kg for male dogs and 11.79 ~ 14.52 kg for female dogs.


1. Complete appearance: rich, but not rough, relatively soft, not sharp of edges and corners. It gives the impression that the color of all parts is unique compared with other types.

2. Eyes: Cocker’s eyes are the basis of the ideal expression. Medium size, full and slightly oval; wide separation; eyelids tight. The nictitating membrane is inconspicuous; with or without pigment accumulation. Except for liver-colored and liver-colored parti-colored dogs, which are allowed to have hazel-colored eyes, the eyes of other color dogs are dark brown.
3. Ears: short, hanging close to the head; delicate auricles that can spread to the tip of the nose, covering long, silky, straight Or slightly wavy hair.
4. Head: rounded and slightly flat, viewed from the side and back. Looking at its appearance, the eyebrows are no better than the back of the head. Viewed from above, the planes on both sides of the skull are roughly parallel to the planes on both sides of the breath. The stop is clear, but moderate and slightly fluted.
5. Tone: The same length as the skull; quite full; only slightly narrower than the skull, and the width is quite the same around the eyes; the surface below the eyes Pure. The jaws are rich and capable of transporting prey. Feeling quite prosperous; the nose is black, except for liver-colored or liver-colored dogs. The nose may beBrown; red or parti-colored dogs wearing red may have brown nose color, but black is preferred. The lips are square but not droopy or have an exaggerated upper lip.
6. Teeth: scissors bite. Pincer bite can also be delivered, but it is ignored. An overbite of the upper jaw or an overbite of the lower jaw is a serious fault.

Neck, topline, body
1. Neck Head: Beautiful, well muscled, well arched towards the head, neatly integrated into the head, free of excess flesh, and blending into the sloping shoulder blades; moderate in length, consistent with the height and length of the dog.
2. Topline: A smooth arc from the junction of the neck and shoulder blades to the topline. The topline slopes very slightly towards the round croup, without sinking or puckering.
3. Body: tight and closely integrated, giving the impression of being particularly powerful but not heavy.
4. Chest deep; not so wide as to interfere with movement of the forelimbs, nor so narrow as to appear too narrow or pinched together. The forechest is particularly well developed, with the sternum extending slightly beyond the joint between the shoulder blade and the upper arm. The depth of the chest reaches the elbow, and gradually tilts backward and lifts excessively. The ribs are well supported and gradually rise toward the center of the body. The rear end is slightly tapered, has sufficient depth for the feet, and extends well back from the feet. Back short and rich. The loin is short, broad and very slightly arched, but not enough to affect the topline. The buttocks are exceptionally round and show no sign of steepness.
5. Tail: docked. Positioned on the croup, the tail should ideally be level and the movements firm when he is exercising. When excited, the tail may be raised higher, but never raised forward.

The English Cocker Spaniel is slightly angular. The scapula is skewed and the scapula is flat and stable. The scapula is approximately at the same level as the upper arm bone. The upper arm bone is located further back and intersects with the scapula at a sufficient angle so that when standing in a natural state, the elbowThe shoulder blade is located just below the tip of the scapula.
Forelimbs: Straight, bones from elbow to pastern are almost the same size; elbows set close to body; pasterns are almost the same size It is straight and slightly elastic.
Feet: Well proportioned to the leg, strong, rounded cat feet; toes well arched, close together; pads abundant.

The angle is moderate, and balance with the forequarters is particularly critical. The croup is fairly wide and round. The first section of the thigh is wide, thick and muscular, which can provide strong driving force. The muscles of the second thigh are well developed and the length is about the same as the length of the first thigh. The knee joints are complex and excessively bent. The isolation from hock to pad is short. The feet are connected to the forequarters.

The hair on the Cocker's head is short and fine; The hair is of medium length; flat or slightly wavy; the quality is silky. The English Cocker Spaniel has plenty of feathering, but not so much that it is useful in the wilderness. A trim is allowed, removing excess hair and emphasizing his natural lines. However, it must be as close to the natural state as possible. There are also many colors of coat, including solid colors such as black, brown, and liver, as well as some freckles and other mixed colors.

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