Ganjia dietary care services
After a dog becomes sick, its resistance to the outside world will be greatly reduced. And there will be many adverse reactions. Therefore, sick dogs require careful care from their owners. Diseases are also divided into medical and surgical departments, and there are certain differences in care.
1. Care of surgical diseases
Surgical diseases Dogs are generally injured or have undergone surgery. Such dogs should be given easy-to-digest food, and usually given certain antibacterial drugs to prevent bacterial infection. Because during the recovery period, dogs with trauma or initial surgery will have their wounds heal slowly and experience itching. At this time, the dog will lick or scratch its own wounds, so this kind of dog must wear a good hood and do a good job of nail repair.
If the dog can scratch the wound with its hands and feet, it is best to control their hands and feet, or put socks on the dog's feet. It can also effectively improve the problem of dogs scratching wounds.
Surgical issues focus on wearing a good headgear to prevent dogs Dog licking and scratching
Two. Care of internal medical diseases
For dogs suffering from internal diseases, more attention should be paid to dietary care. If your dog has been suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, it is best to stop eating and drinking for a period of time. After the dog's condition improves slightly, feed the dog some porridge, and then slowly restore the food.
Don't abuse drugs on dogs. Indiscriminate use of drugs is completely useless for the health of dogs, and drug poisoning may also occur. Therefore, the disease must be confirmed first, and then the appropriate medicine can be prescribed. If you need infusion, just give it. Whether it is a puppy or an adult dog, the infusion speed should not be too fast, otherwise it will put a greater burden on the dog's kidneys and heart, causing the dog to vomit.
In addition, certain diseases will cause the dog's body temperature to drop, so attention should be paid to keeping warm, especially in winter. Whether it is a surgical or medical disease, you must pay great attention to the surrounding health environment. Do not let your dog live in a dirty environment to avoid aggravating the condition.